Two stories about former NHLers have hit recently and I will decide who is right in their respective arguments.
First off,
Evgeni Nabokov. Nabby was a mainstay in the Sharks

crease for a decade and was recently signed by Detroit. The
Islanders being douchebags, understandable douchebags (but douchebags nonetheless),
claimed him off waivers. Here's an idea Snow, it's called using your own scouting team and finding your own damn goalie. Evgeni was in the right, he wanted to go to Detroit (that is probably why he signed there in the first place), and he's
not gonna find himself a Ring on the Island. Sure it was a little disrespectful, but let's look at this on the bright side, at least he's not Avery.
Evaluation: Nabokov 1 - Islanders 0
Next one.
Peter Forsberg, former

is attempting yet another NHL comeback. Pete, I love ya, but seriously. If you are gonna comeback and it's not just another 'maybe, maybe not', then I can't wait to see you back where you belong. But when you're foot is healthy enough for NHL ice-time remember one thing,
Garth Snow might snatch you up on the waiver wire.
Evaluation: Forsberg 1 - Garth Snow -2
In all of my yelling I forgot Snow was at one time a
Flyer. But he was also a penguin and a mistake as a GM. All in favor to
move the Islanders to Quebec, say I.